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Ferring Business Directory
Ferring Village - West Sussex
c/o 7 Mulberry Close, Ferring, West Sussex, BN12 5HY
Tel: 01903 709221, Fax: 01903 502595
Email: [email protected]
Ferring Societies Directory


Sea Scouts:
1st Ferring (St. Andrew's) Sea Scout Group

The Beaver, Cub and Sea Scout Group was founded in 1961. It is an open group which includes boys and girls. 

Its aim is to encourage the physical, mental and spiritual development of young people so that they may take a constructive place in society. 

The tapestry shows the Group emblem and was worked by Mrs. Debbie Hale.

South Downs Video and Film Makers
Founded in the 1980s, this was a successor to the Shoreham Cine Club. Meeting twice a month, its aim is to make films and give full support amateur camcorder users. With the aid of Lottery money, the Club has purchased a video projector to use at meetings and to show films to local groups, nursing home residents and other housebound folk.

The square was designed and worked by Valerie Ledgard.

Sports and Leisure Association
The Ferring Sports & Leisure Association was formed in 1987 by a group of Ferring residents who sought to provide some local sports facilities, particularly hard tennis courts, bowling green and croquet lawns for the residents' enjoyment. It was instrumental in persuading the Paris hCouncil to refurbish two hard tennis courts and agree to the formation of a tennis club.  It also founded the Ferring Carpet Bowls Club which meets in Goring.

The tapestry square was designed and worked by Doreen Box.

St. Andrew's Church
There has been a church on the same site since 765. The present church goes back to 1178 with some alterations. The church has always been a center of village life to provide spiritual support and comfort to the villagers. Up to the last century, the village of Ferring mainly consisted of the cluster of old cottages around the church.

The picture of St. Andrew's was worked by Mary Bowron.

St. Andrew's Toddlers Group
The Toddlers Group is a meeting place for mothers and carers. Approximately 20 toddlers meet together for activities and found twice a week. The group was formed in 1980 to enable young mothers of the Parish to get to know each other and share experiences with their children.

The square was worked by Margaret Page based on the children's story of Elma the Elephant.

St. Andrew's Women's Fellowship
This Fellowship was founded approximately 25 years ago. Meeting monthly, ladies appreciate the warmth of the fellowship together and the activities in a supportive Christian atmosphere. 

The square was designed and made by Julie Hill.


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Copyright © 2000 Ferring Village, Last modified: October 21, 2000

IT Designers, web designer of the Ferring Website

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