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New impetus for Conservation Group

Ferring Conservation Group, set up 12 years ago to oppose a threatened development of the village cricket ground, has changed its constitution to reflect its wider concerns and the kind of development that now threatens the village. At the Annual General Meeting on Saturday 27 April the purpose of the Group was redefined as ‘the conservation and preservation of the beauty and present character of  Ferring’.

The new chairman of the Group, Ed Miller, said: ‘The Group has many interests – in the wild life of Ferring, its open spaces, and its foreshore. It also has many successes to its credit – defending the Goring Gap and the East Preston Gap, and securing the ‘pocket park’ of  woodland in Sea Lane – as well as its original victory on the cricket pitch. But today the pressures on the environment of Ferring are of a different kind – the big set-piece battles have been won (for the time being, anyway). The two ‘Gaps’ are in the County Structure Plan, Highdown is in the South Downs National Park, and the foreshore is well-protected from roads and development. The battle now is against ‘infilling’ and other small scale redevelopment.’

‘The recent attempt to build 30 flats to replace six bungalows at the southern end of Ferring was a very clear example’, he went on. ‘The Group, along with 400 residents, protested against that planning application –and it was rejected. Smaller schemes get less publicity and do not attract that level of protest. A case in point is the series of applications to build houses in the car park of the Tudor Close pub and restaurant. And now someone wants to build a chalet bungalow in the front garden of the house opposite the Tudor Close. If this sort of development is allowed the character of Ferring, with its open layout of houses on large plots, wide verges, old trees and  village atmosphere will gradually change into an overcrowded and soulless suburb of Worthing.  The Conservation Group should be leading the fight against this over-development’.

Also elected were Lyn Saunders (Vice-Chairman), John Browning (Secretary), Chris Wrightson (Treasurer) and a  committee of eight. New Committee member Geoff Barrett has taken on the task of Membership Secretary – to get back in touch with hundreds of former members who have lost contact with the Group. Ed Miller said: ‘The Group has 1500 names on its membership list  -that is well over a third of the Ferring population, If we can get those members active again we can speak with enormous authority for local residents and achieve a great deal for the local environment.’


Contact: Carol Dyball  13 Somerset Road, Ferring ,WORTHING  01903 24933


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